
Those who dare read these notes should be made aware that my other life is more mundane but an absolute necessity to keep bread on the table. That said my work boils down to requiring a creative streak to be most effective and sustaining. So in a fit of blue mooding I brought two of the parts of my life together in a writing called ‘why develop’ – not so much of a question but a statement about the absolute necessity to move on and improve; but to  do it in such a way that is fulfilling, long lasting and of reasonably assured of working well to benefit and not destroy our planet. This is difficult and almost impossible: but I nevertheless have attempted a pictorially adorned missive as a conversation piece if nothing else.

here it is

Why develop booklet

or email me  and I will send you a nice crisp copy

train transport small Collage in mixed media : Tiverton Parkway

cowes ink toothpaste and felt pen : Cowes


?????????  I then drove fast along a French motorway (as a passenger) and made this collage later using the photo of the sun setting on a wind turbine

other pictures can be seen in the booklet